All Time Low

I’m not really sure what this post is going to be about, but I just felt like I wanted to write. Something. Anything. It doesn’t matter what. My blog is my outlet and I’ve neglected it and left it alone for too long. I started writing posts that I thought my readers would want to read, but they weren’t necessarily what I wanted to write. I feel like I’ve lost my mojo and I don’t know how to get it back.

Maybe writing this will help, maybe it won’t. Who knows?

When I started my blog, just over 2 years ago, I wrote as and when I wanted to, and I wrote what I wanted to write, what I felt, how I was coping.

Somewhere along the way I lost that, and I want to get it back. I want that feeling of pressing publish, knowing that I’ve opened up to my readers, and I’ve been completely raw and honest with them. That there is nothing that I’m hiding from my readers, or from myself.

I want my readers to see the real me.

The one who cries, the one who gets anxious, the one who struggles to get out of bed on a daily basis. The one who sleeps through her alarm when fatigue is bad. The one who is constantly fighting an uphill battle. The one who has 5 meltdowns in one day.

The one that I try to hide.

I hate people knowing or thinking that I’m struggling. I want to appear strong and capable. I want to appear healthy. But that’s just not true.

Sometimes I’m not strong, sometimes I’m not capable, and most of the time I’m sure as hell not healthy. I hate people seeing me at my worst, but sometimes it just can’t be helped.

I don’t want to be this person, and a lot of the time I’m not. But today, I am. And instead of hiding it and pretending everything is ok, I need to be open about it, and talk about it.

Right now, I feel like I’m drowning. There’s a little voice constantly telling me that I’m not good enough, that I’m not strong enough, that I’m just not enough at all. I’m second guessing myself, everything I say, everything everybody else says. I’m questioning things that shouldn’t be questioned. I’m worrying about things that shouldn’t be worried about, and neglecting things that shouldn’t be neglected.

My ME/CFS is playing up, and my mental health is playing up, and I’m not ok. I’m an expert at bottling things up and pretending everything is fine. I’m an expert at plastering a smile on my face and acting completely normal. But I’m also an expert at crying myself to sleep at night. I’m an expert at letting it all get too much at exactly the wrong time. I’m an expert in taking things the wrong way and making things ten times worse for myself. I’m an expert of being my own worst enemy.

Yesterday was a bad day. So was the day before. And so is today. But instead of trying to hide it, I’m trying to accept it. I’m trying to be honest about it, and ask for help.

I’m not ok, but I will be soon.

14 thoughts on “All Time Low

  1. Invisibly Me says:

    Very honestly written, and it’s like I could have written this myself. Lately I feel I’ve been skating along the bottom, sinking and not sure how to get back to the surface or if I’ve even wanted to. It can feel soul destroying, too hard when you’re not well and don’t have the energy either. Of course I want to say that you are good enough, you’re plenty strong enough, and you are incredible, but the words probably don’t mean much coming from someone else when you feel the way you do and don’t believe them right now. I just want you to know you’re not alone, and that accepting how you feel, because you have every right to feel the way you do, is actually quite a hard thing thing to do, but the right thing. Things won’t always feel like this; things can and will get better, but right now I just want to send a hug and my best wishes your way. Somehow we will both keep swimming.  ♥
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Crys says:

    I hope you feel better.

    Going through illness is difficult, and you’re right: it really is drowning at times. That’s what I wish people would understand, sometimes, how hard things really are.

    Just hang in there.


  3. Katie says:

    I love how honest this is. Everyone seems so determined to look polished on the internet, but that’s just not a reflection of real life at all. I think it’s good to have an outlet, and to blog for you and no one else. All the times I’ve been demoralised with my blog it’s been because I’ve forgotten to write for myself and started finding it to be a bit of a chore, trying to please people and trying to win followers all the time. That’s just not what I believe blogging should be about.
    I hope you’re feeling better soon, and thank you for sharing this really raw experience with us xxx


    • Amy Saunders says:

      Thank you Katie, I really appreciate your comment! I definitely understand though. When you try and blog for other people you lose your sense of originality and therefore lose your motivation for it, it’s important to remember to blog for yourself! Xxx


  4. Emma (Not Just Tired) says:

    Well done for writing such an honest piece. It’s such a soul destroying illness to live with, and it’s ok just to say sometimes it’s really not ok (note to self as I write this!). We’re all very good at putting on a brave face to the world aren’t we and trying to put a positive spin on things. Sometimes we just need to allow ourselves to be ok with feeling rubbish, and to accept any help on offer. Sorry you’ve had a bad spell and I hope things look up for you really soon. Thanks for writing this xx


    • Amy Saunders says:

      Thank you Emma, and I do apologise for the late response to your comment! For some reason I didn’t get a notification for some comments so I didn’t realise they were there! Happy New Year anyway! xx


  5. SeeingMeInReality says:

    Thank you for being so open and honest. Many of us feel this way and becasue we all pretend we are ‘fine’ we rarely speak about it. M.E/CFS is a constant struggle, I just wanted to comment and say hang in there and somehow life will get easier again. 🙂


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