ORIGINS || No More Dry January

Hi everyone! This week I was invited to my first blogging event!! The lovely Laura from Laura Knows Lifestyle is an Origins Ambassador and invited me to go to her event in York. With this being the first event I’ve been invited too, I was so excited for it! We were also allowed to take a plus one so I took my cousin, Laura, who was just as excited as I was, and became my little photographer for the night. Continue reading

Beauty Haul || Tarte Cosmetics

Hello everyone! I decided to write another beauty post, raving about my new Tarte makeup! I love makeup, and it’s a welcome distraction from chronic illness so I do really want to continue posting about it from time to time! You may have noticed that my Instagram has become more makeup and beauty based – and that hasn’t been on purpose, I just love it that much!

But anyway, I’ve been saving up for these Tarte products for at least 3 months and over Easter I finally decided to bite the bullet and buy them, as a treat to myself for getting through those awful presentations and a rather awful semester! Continue reading

Beauty Haul

I haven’t done a beauty blog post since last year when I did my Skincare Routine  so I thought it was time that I did another! It is no secret that I love makeup, and over the past year or so my collection has steadily grown and I’m pleased to say that I now have a selection of different products that I absolutely love, which is what I’m going to show you now! Continue reading

My Skincare Routine

This is a bit of a new type of post for me as I haven’t done a beauty post before! I’ve even had to add a subcategory under Lifestyle just for Beauty so it isn’t completely random! However, I do feel like this is relevant to the illness category as it wasn’t until I got ME/CFS that my skin started suffering. I mean, I always had sensitive, dry skin, but it was never as bad as it can get now! (I blame the ME/CFS but I’m not saying it is definitely that!) I can get it to the extent where I feel like my whole forehead would just peel off if I wanted it to, which I don’t… But if I don’t look after it properly it can easily turn into a flaky, patchy, peeling, dry mess. And it’s not pretty. Continue reading